ERG Mentoring Elevate Your ERGs: MentoringThat Drives Success

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3 Key Challenges with “Mentoring in the Wild”

1. Untapped Potential

“Mentoring in the Wild” within ERGs, though natural, often misses the mark on harnessing the full spectrum of mentoring benefits. Lacking structured support, these spontaneous relationships tend to be fleeting and superficial, bypassing critical opportunities for deep engagement, skill advancement, career progression, and fostering a sense of belonging.

2. Misalignment with Strategic Goals

ERGs are instrumental in advancing diversity, inclusion, leadership development, community building, and employee retention. Yet, the absence of intentional mentoring leads to a misalignment, making it challenging to tie mentoring to the overarching strategic goals of the business.

3. Measurement Misses

The informal essence of “Mentoring in the Wild” complicates the evaluation of its effectiveness. Without well-defined goals and the means to track progress, determining the actual impact on participants and the broader organizational success proves elusive.

100% of Fair360’s Top Companies for Diversity have both ERGs and mentoring programs
98% of US Fortune 500 Companies have mentoring programs
93% of companies are either maintaining or increasing their DEI spending

Driving ERG Growth with Intentional Mentoring Programs

Intentional mentoring programs, enriched with the principles of Sponsorship, Allyship, and Mentorship, are pivotal in unleashing the social learning potential of ERGs. These programs transform ERGs into vibrant catalysts for growth, ensuring strategic alignment with organizational goals and facilitating measurable achievements.


Mentorship focuses on personalized growth and development. This tailored guidance nurtures the skills and careers of ERG members, providing them with the tools and confidence to thrive. Through structured mentor-mentee relationships, participants receive the support and accountability needed to pursue their goals. Mentorship enriches the ERG experience, ensuring that members not only contribute to the organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts but also achieve personal and professional milestones.


Allyship within the context of intentional mentoring programs cultivates a culture of support and understanding across diverse groups. It encourages members outside of ERGs to engage, learn, and advocate, building bridges and breaking down barriers within the organization. This inclusive approach amplifies the voice of ERGs, promoting a deeper sense of belonging and unity. Through Allyship, ERGs can extend their influence, creating allies who are informed, empathetic, and committed to driving change.


Sponsorship naturally creates pathways for ERGs to gain visibility and support at higher levels of the organization. This element ensures that ERG initiatives are championed by influential leaders, providing the resources and advocacy needed to elevate their impact. Sponsorship empowers ERG members with the backing necessary to navigate organizational structures effectively, fostering an environment where their contributions are recognized and valued.

ERG Mentoring Made Easy

ERGs + Mentoring with one unified platform
girl looking at ERG Mentoring mobile software screen mentorcliQ

ESPN Case Study

ESPN creatively merged mentoring and ERGs together in its Peer Mentorship program. Two years in, the company’s ERG + mentoring approach had a 4.6 satisfaction rating, over 5,500 mentoring hours, and strong support from employees and executives alike. 

ESPN Video Highlight of Mentoring Program

According to ESPN’s Talent Mobility Manager, Dayana Falcon:

There’s power in the we. Participants not only feel seen, but they feel like they are a part of something bigger, which then inspires them to take what they’ve learned and experienced and apply that on the job. So it’s unlocking business value tenfold because of the relationships it builds and how we connect the dots. For me, that’s the proudest thing that I have in seeing how this program’s impacted the lives of our incredible talent at ESPN.”

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Employees are increasingly demanding companies take DEIB into account. Nearly 80% of job seekers stated that working for a diverse company is important to them.